Wallingford Road, Compton
Archel Homes is bringing forward proposals to re-develop the Baxter Healthcare offices for approximately 40 new homes including affordable homes.
Archel Homes is seeking to understand community views on the proposals for approximately 40 new homes on the Baxter Healthcare site on Wallingford Road, Compton before submitting a planning application to West Berkshire Council.
We are keen to hear your views and invite you to look around the website to learn more about the proposals. You can leave your comments via the ‘Provide Your Feedback’ tab. We will review and carefully consider all the feedback received.
Above: A map showing the proposed location of the new homes at Wallingford Road, outlined in red
We have set up this consultation website to give neighbouring residents the opportunity to view the emerging proposals and to provide feedback. Please take a look around the website to find out more, and if you would like to provide comments click on the ‘Provide Your Feedback’ page to fill in a feedback form.
About Archel Homes
Archel Homes is a local developer which aspires to create attractive places which make a positive contribution to their setting in which future occupants are able to integrate into the wider community.
We are engaging with local residents, the Parish Council and West Berkshire Council, alongside other stakeholders, to develop a high quality scheme that will deliver new homes, including affordable homes and landscaped open spaces that will create an attractive place to live and enhances the appearance of the site.
To find more information about Archel Homes, please click here

Contact Us
If you have any queries, please contact Jamie O’Sullivan of SP Broadway on
07706 274 637 or at jamie@spbroadway.com